“The Most Valuable Marian Website
On the Entire Internet”
On the Entire Internet”
Dear Friend,
I have no idea how you found this website.
Maybe you read about it somewhere. Maybe a friend told you about it. Perhaps you stumbled onto it by a stroke of God’s Providence.
Regardless, however you got here, you have arrived at what is, without question, the most valuable Marian website on the entire Internet!
Here’s why: On December 8, 1989, I made my consecration to Jesus through Mary, using St. Louis de Montfort’s formula.
Shortly thereafter, I found myself in the group of people St. Louis says fizzle out shortly thereafter, and make no real progress. Here’s what he said:
Maybe you read about it somewhere. Maybe a friend told you about it. Perhaps you stumbled onto it by a stroke of God’s Providence.
Regardless, however you got here, you have arrived at what is, without question, the most valuable Marian website on the entire Internet!
Here’s why: On December 8, 1989, I made my consecration to Jesus through Mary, using St. Louis de Montfort’s formula.
Shortly thereafter, I found myself in the group of people St. Louis says fizzle out shortly thereafter, and make no real progress. Here’s what he said:
“I have found many people who, with admirable zeal, have adopted the exterior practices of this holy slavery of Jesus and Mary, but I have found only a few who have accepted its interior spirit, and still fewer who have persevered in it” (Secret of Mary, #44).
“As the essential of this devotion consists in the interior which it ought to form, it will not be equally comprehended by everybody. Some will stop at what is exterior in it, and will go no further, and these will be the greatest number.
“Some, in small number, will enter into its inward spirit; but they will only mount but one step. Who will mount to the second step? Who will get as far as the third? Lastly, who will so advance as to make this devotion his habitual state?” (True Devotion to Mary, #119)
“As the essential of this devotion consists in the interior which it ought to form, it will not be equally comprehended by everybody. Some will stop at what is exterior in it, and will go no further, and these will be the greatest number.
“Some, in small number, will enter into its inward spirit; but they will only mount but one step. Who will mount to the second step? Who will get as far as the third? Lastly, who will so advance as to make this devotion his habitual state?” (True Devotion to Mary, #119)
Now, I had read that, but I thought I would be one of the exceptions. I was wrong.
Long story short, I was so frustrated at not making any progress, I ended up going to the headquarters of the Montfort Fathers in Rome. I had a great meeting with Fr. Battista Cortinovis, who was their Superior General.
And, guess what? Unknown to me, they had prepared for my visit, and had spread out on a long table a ton of materials on St. Louis’ Marian spirituality. I had hit the jackpot!
St. Louis had already proven the Marian devotion he taught was the best, bar none, when he said…
Long story short, I was so frustrated at not making any progress, I ended up going to the headquarters of the Montfort Fathers in Rome. I had a great meeting with Fr. Battista Cortinovis, who was their Superior General.
And, guess what? Unknown to me, they had prepared for my visit, and had spread out on a long table a ton of materials on St. Louis’ Marian spirituality. I had hit the jackpot!
St. Louis had already proven the Marian devotion he taught was the best, bar none, when he said…
“I have never known nor heard of any practice of devotion towards her (Mary) at all equal to the one which I wish now to unfold…; being more glorious to God, more sanctifying to the soul, and more useful to our neighbor, than any other of the devotions to her” (#118).
And then…
“It follows from this that by this devotion we give to Jesus Christ, in the most perfect manner, inasmuch as it is by Mary’s hands, all we can give Him, and far more than by any other devotions, in which we give Him either part of our time, or a part of our good works, or a part of our satisfactions and mortifications; whereas here everything is given and consecrated to Him, even to the right of disposing of our interior goods, and of the satisfactions which we gain by our good works daily. This is more than we do even in a religious order” (#123).
And then…
“It follows from this that by this devotion we give to Jesus Christ, in the most perfect manner, inasmuch as it is by Mary’s hands, all we can give Him, and far more than by any other devotions, in which we give Him either part of our time, or a part of our good works, or a part of our satisfactions and mortifications; whereas here everything is given and consecrated to Him, even to the right of disposing of our interior goods, and of the satisfactions which we gain by our good works daily. This is more than we do even in a religious order” (#123).
And so now, I have the Superior General of the Montfort Fathers pointing out me to the best books about the best of all Marian devotions. When it comes to St. Louis’ spirituality, these books just couldn’t be beaten. And they sold like wildfire in their original French!
Then I got to thinking, “If, on the one hand, St. Louis said most people who make their consecration to Jesus through Mary fizzle out at the first step… and most of them don’t persevere in living their consecration… and… on the other hand, so many people nowadays are making their consecration to Mary… they could probably use some help.”
So, I translated these books, and put them into a collection sensibly called the “True Devotion to Mary Series”.
These books have helped thousands upon thousands of people make great strides in understanding and living their consecration to Mary… and… improved their lives immensely.
Because they fill in the gaps St. Louis admits are in his “True Devotion to Mary”:
“I have now said many things about the Most Holy Virgin; but I have many more to say, and there are infinitely more which I shall omit, whether from ignorance, inability, or want of time, in the design which I have to form a true client of Mary, and a true disciple of Jesus Christ” (#111).
Each book gives an in-depth treatment of some aspect of the Marian devotion St. Louis calls “a mystery of grace unknown to even the wisest and most spiritual among Christians,” and “a secret unknown to almost all Christians, even the most devout.”
If it looks like any particular book would be of interest to you, just click on the book’s image or on “Click here now to learn more” at the end of the short description.
Then I got to thinking, “If, on the one hand, St. Louis said most people who make their consecration to Jesus through Mary fizzle out at the first step… and most of them don’t persevere in living their consecration… and… on the other hand, so many people nowadays are making their consecration to Mary… they could probably use some help.”
So, I translated these books, and put them into a collection sensibly called the “True Devotion to Mary Series”.
These books have helped thousands upon thousands of people make great strides in understanding and living their consecration to Mary… and… improved their lives immensely.
Because they fill in the gaps St. Louis admits are in his “True Devotion to Mary”:
“I have now said many things about the Most Holy Virgin; but I have many more to say, and there are infinitely more which I shall omit, whether from ignorance, inability, or want of time, in the design which I have to form a true client of Mary, and a true disciple of Jesus Christ” (#111).
Each book gives an in-depth treatment of some aspect of the Marian devotion St. Louis calls “a mystery of grace unknown to even the wisest and most spiritual among Christians,” and “a secret unknown to almost all Christians, even the most devout.”
If it looks like any particular book would be of interest to you, just click on the book’s image or on “Click here now to learn more” at the end of the short description.
And for a full description of each book, click on the 免费节点每天更新2021 tab in the navigation bar at the top of this page. There, you’ll see each book and the link to each description. It’s all very easy.
Anyway, before I show you what you get in the “True Devotion to Mary Series”, St. Louis describes some of the marvels of this devotion which these books can help you experience:
Anyway, before I show you what you get in the “True Devotion to Mary Series”, St. Louis describes some of the marvels of this devotion which these books can help you experience:
“This devotion, faithfully practiced, produces many happy effects in the soul. The most important of them all is that it establishes, even here below, Mary’s life in the soul, so that it is no longer the soul that lives, but Mary living in it; for Mary’s life becomes its life. And when, by an unspeakable yet real grace, the Blessed Virgin is Queen in a soul, what wonders does she not work there!” (Secret, #55)
“Do not think, dear soul, that Mary, the most fruitful of all pure creatures, who has brought forth even a God, remains idle in a faithful soul. She will cause Jesus Christ to live in that soul, and the soul to live in constant union with Jesus Christ” (Secret, #56).
“To sum up, Mary becomes everything to that soul in the service of Jesus Christ. Only experience can teach the wonders wrought by Mary, wonders so great that neither the wise nor the proud, nor even many of the devout can believe them” (Secret, #57)
“This devotion is an easy, short, perfect, and secure way of arriving at union with Our Lord, in which the perfection of a Christian consists” (True Devotion, #152).
“As it is Mary who is the treasurer and dispenser of the gifts and graces of the Most High, she gives a good portion, and indeed the best portion, to nourish and maintain her children and her servants. They have such facility in carrying the yoke of Jesus Christ, that they feel nothing of its weight, because of the oil of devotion which has made it soften and decay” (True Devotion, #208).
“Do not think, dear soul, that Mary, the most fruitful of all pure creatures, who has brought forth even a God, remains idle in a faithful soul. She will cause Jesus Christ to live in that soul, and the soul to live in constant union with Jesus Christ” (Secret, #56).
“To sum up, Mary becomes everything to that soul in the service of Jesus Christ. Only experience can teach the wonders wrought by Mary, wonders so great that neither the wise nor the proud, nor even many of the devout can believe them” (Secret, #57)
“This devotion is an easy, short, perfect, and secure way of arriving at union with Our Lord, in which the perfection of a Christian consists” (True Devotion, #152).
“As it is Mary who is the treasurer and dispenser of the gifts and graces of the Most High, she gives a good portion, and indeed the best portion, to nourish and maintain her children and her servants. They have such facility in carrying the yoke of Jesus Christ, that they feel nothing of its weight, because of the oil of devotion which has made it soften and decay” (True Devotion, #208).
St. Louis spoke from his own experience. Canon Blain, his best friend, said this about him:
“He confessed to me that God had favored him with a very special grace: the continuous presence of Jesus and Mary in the depths of his soul. For me it was difficult to grasp the real significance of such an exalted favor, but I did not wish to press him for a further explanation.
“Indeed, he might, perhaps, not have been able to give me one, for there are in the mystical life certain workings of grace which are not explainable to anyone who has not been favored by the same experience.”
It was of this grace that, speaking once in confidence to a lady, St. Louis said Mary was so present in his soul, so profoundly graven on his heart, that, after God, he could neither move nor act except “in her, by her, and for her.”
“He confessed to me that God had favored him with a very special grace: the continuous presence of Jesus and Mary in the depths of his soul. For me it was difficult to grasp the real significance of such an exalted favor, but I did not wish to press him for a further explanation.
“Indeed, he might, perhaps, not have been able to give me one, for there are in the mystical life certain workings of grace which are not explainable to anyone who has not been favored by the same experience.”
It was of this grace that, speaking once in confidence to a lady, St. Louis said Mary was so present in his soul, so profoundly graven on his heart, that, after God, he could neither move nor act except “in her, by her, and for her.”
Now, you can see why St. Louis says…
“Whoever, then, wishes to put aside the fear of illusion, which is the besetting timidity of men of prayer, and to advance in the way of perfection, and surely and perfectly to find Jesus Christ, let him embrace with great-heartedness this devotion to our Blessed Lady, which perhaps he has not known before; let him enter into this excellent way, which was unknown to him and which I now point out: “I show you a more excellent way.”
“It is a path trodden by Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Wisdom, our sole Head. One of His members in passing by the same road cannot deceive himself. It is an easy road, because of the fullness of the grace and unction of the Holy Ghost, which fills it to overflowing. No one wearies there; no one walking there ever has to retrace his steps.
“It is a short road, which leads us to Jesus in a little time. It is a perfect road, where there is no mud, no dust, not the least spot of sin. Lastly, it is a secure road, which conducts us to Jesus Christ and life eternal in a straight and secure manner, without turning to the right hand or to the left.
“Let us, then, set forth upon that road, and walk there day and night, until we come to the fullness of the age of Jesus Christ” (#168).
In any case, I hope you find as much value in these books as thousands of others have.
Now, here’s what you get in the…
“Whoever, then, wishes to put aside the fear of illusion, which is the besetting timidity of men of prayer, and to advance in the way of perfection, and surely and perfectly to find Jesus Christ, let him embrace with great-heartedness this devotion to our Blessed Lady, which perhaps he has not known before; let him enter into this excellent way, which was unknown to him and which I now point out: “I show you a more excellent way.”
“It is a path trodden by Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Wisdom, our sole Head. One of His members in passing by the same road cannot deceive himself. It is an easy road, because of the fullness of the grace and unction of the Holy Ghost, which fills it to overflowing. No one wearies there; no one walking there ever has to retrace his steps.
“It is a short road, which leads us to Jesus in a little time. It is a perfect road, where there is no mud, no dust, not the least spot of sin. Lastly, it is a secure road, which conducts us to Jesus Christ and life eternal in a straight and secure manner, without turning to the right hand or to the left.
“Let us, then, set forth upon that road, and walk there day and night, until we come to the fullness of the age of Jesus Christ” (#168).
In any case, I hope you find as much value in these books as thousands of others have.
Now, here’s what you get in the…
“True Devotion to Mary Series”
(For a full description of each book, click on the ‘Books’ tab at the top of this page.)
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“The Holy Slavery of the Admirable Mother of God” – A Saint’s roadmap to holiness doesn’t come along every day. But you’ve got one here. This was St. Louis de Montfort’s favorite Marian book. And he said he read “nearly all the books which profess to treat of devotion to Our Lady.”
Canon Blain, St. Louis’ best friend wrote: “As Louis-Marie devoted a lot of time to spiritual reading, he became familiar with nearly all books dealing with the spiritual life. Those which in my opinion were his favorites were those by the late Fr. Boudon. |
“He would have liked everybody to join the society of the slaves of the Blessed Virgin. The source of this zeal was the book (航海王燃烧意志2021SSR角色排名 最新角色输出排行榜[多图 ...:2021-6-13 · 航海王燃烧意志2021SSR角色排名,航海王燃烧意志2021角色哪个最厉害,相信很多玩家都不知道,那么新版本哪些角色输出最强呢,下面为大家详细热门的SRR排行榜。角色的伤害基础,一个是面板攻击,另一个就是面板的技能系数,这一回合就来看一 ...) written on this subject by the late Fr. Boudon.”
Montfort Father Jean-Marie Texier said: “The writings of this holy priest (Fr. Boudon) charmed the fervent seminarian (St. Louis-Marie) in his free time and gave a lively impulse to his momentum toward the good. But none captivated him as much as “The Holy Slavery of the Admirable Mother of God”.
“It is a rich repertoire from which Montfort drew extensively when his composed his Treatise on the True Devotion. One finds, in effect, in the writings of Montfort, the thoughts of Boudon, and sometimes even his expressions.”
First published in 1667, this is the first and only English translation of it. St. Louis took his motto “God alone” from it. Because of its influence on him, and the widespread impact of St. Louis’ Marian spirituality, you’re not getting just a book; you’re also getting a piece of Marian devotion history.
If you’re consecrated to Mary, this book is indispensable reading, because it helped make St. Louis de Montfort the Gold Standard of Marian Saints. Click here now to learn more.
Montfort Father Jean-Marie Texier said: “The writings of this holy priest (Fr. Boudon) charmed the fervent seminarian (St. Louis-Marie) in his free time and gave a lively impulse to his momentum toward the good. But none captivated him as much as “The Holy Slavery of the Admirable Mother of God”.
“It is a rich repertoire from which Montfort drew extensively when his composed his Treatise on the True Devotion. One finds, in effect, in the writings of Montfort, the thoughts of Boudon, and sometimes even his expressions.”
First published in 1667, this is the first and only English translation of it. St. Louis took his motto “God alone” from it. Because of its influence on him, and the widespread impact of St. Louis’ Marian spirituality, you’re not getting just a book; you’re also getting a piece of Marian devotion history.
If you’re consecrated to Mary, this book is indispensable reading, because it helped make St. Louis de Montfort the Gold Standard of Marian Saints. Click here now to learn more.
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“Commentary on the Treatise on the True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin” - This is the only number-by-number commentary on the “True Devotion to Mary”. Here’s what the Montfort Fathers say about it:
“The “Commentary on the Treatise on the True Devotion” points out everything the reader must know or remember in order to penetrate completely the immortal masterpiece of St. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort. It is an essential book for whoever desires to learn the Perfect Devotion.” |
They also said this book “furnishes to readers everything they must know in order to understand and taste the doctrine of Bl. Louis-Marie de Montfort.”
Even the Vatican chimed in. A letter from the Vatican’s Substitute Secretary of State, Giovanni Battista Montini (Pope St. Paul VI), to Fr. Plessis, says this Commentary is “completely penetrated with the Marian piety which animated Bl. Grignion de Montfort.”
This commentary – which is almost 500 pages – is in a league by itself. There’s nothing even remotely like it anywhere else, at any price. This is the ONLY book the Montfort Father say is “essential” to understanding St. Louis de Montfort’s Marian spirituality. So, if you’re not using it, then the information you have on St. Louis’ spirituality is incomplete. Once you see the difference between this and other books on Montfortian spirituality, you’ll wonder how you ever got along without it. Click here now to learn more.
Even the Vatican chimed in. A letter from the Vatican’s Substitute Secretary of State, Giovanni Battista Montini (Pope St. Paul VI), to Fr. Plessis, says this Commentary is “completely penetrated with the Marian piety which animated Bl. Grignion de Montfort.”
This commentary – which is almost 500 pages – is in a league by itself. There’s nothing even remotely like it anywhere else, at any price. This is the ONLY book the Montfort Father say is “essential” to understanding St. Louis de Montfort’s Marian spirituality. So, if you’re not using it, then the information you have on St. Louis’ spirituality is incomplete. Once you see the difference between this and other books on Montfortian spirituality, you’ll wonder how you ever got along without it. Click here now to learn more.
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最新免费ssr飞机场“Preparation for Consecration to the Most Blessed Virgin” - This is the preparation for consecration guide specifically recommended by the Montfort Fathers.
Here’s what they say about Fr. Texier: |
“These meditations are the work of a Montfortian missionary, about whom we have said: “He loved the Most Blessed Virgin with the heart of a child; he spoke of her with the heart of his Blessed Father (St. Louis de Montfort). His book is called: “A Month with Blessed de Montfort”. (The name of the first edition of this book.)
And in the history of their religious order, the Montfort Fathers called Fr. Texier “a remarkable spiritual writer”.
Fr. Texier’s daily meditations cause you to “re-learn” Marian consecration. Most of us already know quite a bit about devotion to Mary. But we don’t truly learn or understand a thing until we’ve done or experienced it.
For example, you probably know how to drive a car, type, and ride a bike. But you didn’t learn to do any of those things by reading about them. You actually did them.
In the same way, the daily readings in this book – and especially the previously untranslated examples from the life of St. Louis de Montfort – cause you to implement the strategies of preparing for your consecration. When you make these strategies work – which will be easy for you – you master them in a way you never can by simply reading about them.
This book also has previously untranslated information about Fr. Rene Mulot, St. Louis’ first saintly successor. And it contains suggested readings from St. Alphonsus Liguori’s 免费节点每天更新2021. None of this information is found in any other preparation for consecration book.
This book will open your eyes like Jesus opened the eyes of the man born blind. It’s so superior to any preparation book you’ve ever read, you’ll be like a speedboat pulling away from canoes. Guaranteed. Click here now to learn more.
And in the history of their religious order, the Montfort Fathers called Fr. Texier “a remarkable spiritual writer”.
Fr. Texier’s daily meditations cause you to “re-learn” Marian consecration. Most of us already know quite a bit about devotion to Mary. But we don’t truly learn or understand a thing until we’ve done or experienced it.
For example, you probably know how to drive a car, type, and ride a bike. But you didn’t learn to do any of those things by reading about them. You actually did them.
In the same way, the daily readings in this book – and especially the previously untranslated examples from the life of St. Louis de Montfort – cause you to implement the strategies of preparing for your consecration. When you make these strategies work – which will be easy for you – you master them in a way you never can by simply reading about them.
This book also has previously untranslated information about Fr. Rene Mulot, St. Louis’ first saintly successor. And it contains suggested readings from St. Alphonsus Liguori’s 免费节点每天更新2021. None of this information is found in any other preparation for consecration book.
This book will open your eyes like Jesus opened the eyes of the man born blind. It’s so superior to any preparation book you’ve ever read, you’ll be like a speedboat pulling away from canoes. Guaranteed. Click here now to learn more.
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“To Jesus Through Mary” - Indian Navy SSR Result 2021-SSR August Batch Merit …:2021-6-5 · Indian Navy SSR Result 2021 - Indian Navy SSR Batch 8/2021 Written Exam Result, Selection List Pdf, PFT Exam Date 2021 cheeck here from official website.
He wrote: “I have found many people who, with admirable zeal, have adopted the exterior practices of this holy slavery of Jesus and Mary, but I have found only a few who have accepted its interior spirit, and still fewer who have persevered in it” (Secret, #44). |
Here’s why he says this.
“There are at this time, more than ever, false devotions to our Blessed Lady, which it is easy to mistake for true ones. The devil, like a false coiner and a subtle and experienced deceiver, has already deceived and destroyed so many souls by a false devotion to the Blessed Virgin, that he makes a daily use of his diabolical experience to plunge many others by this same way into everlasting perdition.
“As a counterfeiter does not ordinarily counterfeit anything but gold and silver…, so the evil spirit does not for the most part counterfeit the other devotions, but only those to Jesus and Mary,… because they are, among other devotions, what gold and silver are amongst metals” (True Devotion, #90).
Now, the key to your life may be on pages 130-131, because that’s where Fr. Texier gives you three unmistakable signs to recognize Mary’s presence in your soul. The best part is that it’s impossible for the devil to counterfeit them. Knowing these signs alone is worth the price of this book. And you won’t find them anywhere but here.
These three signs will serve as important guideposts for you, because, until you’re strong enough spiritually to experience the happy effects of this devotion which St. Louis describes, you may not even be aware Our Lady is working in you.
As St. Louis points out:
“She is the worker of great wonders, particularly in our soul, but she works them in secret, in a way unknown to the soul itself, for were it to know, it might destroy the beauty of her works.”
Furthermore, St. Paul warns: “Satan transforms himself into an angel of light” (2 Cor. 11:14). But knowing these three signs makes it impossible for him to deceive you, because it’s impossible for him to counterfeit them.
Without knowing these signs, you run the risk of thinking you’re making progress because you happen to “feel pious”.
Fr. Texier makes any difficulties you have in living your consecration to Mary melt away like a Hershey bar left on the car dashboard in the hot summer sun. He gives you so many embarrassingly simple and obvious ways to live your consecration, yet no one sees them until he points them out. It’s like the whole world is a 3-D movie, and you’ll have one of the only pairs of glasses. 2021ssr节点.
“There are at this time, more than ever, false devotions to our Blessed Lady, which it is easy to mistake for true ones. The devil, like a false coiner and a subtle and experienced deceiver, has already deceived and destroyed so many souls by a false devotion to the Blessed Virgin, that he makes a daily use of his diabolical experience to plunge many others by this same way into everlasting perdition.
“As a counterfeiter does not ordinarily counterfeit anything but gold and silver…, so the evil spirit does not for the most part counterfeit the other devotions, but only those to Jesus and Mary,… because they are, among other devotions, what gold and silver are amongst metals” (True Devotion, #90).
Now, the key to your life may be on pages 130-131, because that’s where Fr. Texier gives you three unmistakable signs to recognize Mary’s presence in your soul. The best part is that it’s impossible for the devil to counterfeit them. Knowing these signs alone is worth the price of this book. And you won’t find them anywhere but here.
These three signs will serve as important guideposts for you, because, until you’re strong enough spiritually to experience the happy effects of this devotion which St. Louis describes, you may not even be aware Our Lady is working in you.
As St. Louis points out:
“She is the worker of great wonders, particularly in our soul, but she works them in secret, in a way unknown to the soul itself, for were it to know, it might destroy the beauty of her works.”
Furthermore, St. Paul warns: “Satan transforms himself into an angel of light” (2 Cor. 11:14). But knowing these three signs makes it impossible for him to deceive you, because it’s impossible for him to counterfeit them.
Without knowing these signs, you run the risk of thinking you’re making progress because you happen to “feel pious”.
Fr. Texier makes any difficulties you have in living your consecration to Mary melt away like a Hershey bar left on the car dashboard in the hot summer sun. He gives you so many embarrassingly simple and obvious ways to live your consecration, yet no one sees them until he points them out. It’s like the whole world is a 3-D movie, and you’ll have one of the only pairs of glasses. 2021ssr节点.
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“Preparation for Holy Communion with Mary in the Spirit of Blessed de Montfort” - St. Louis wrote: “But always remember that the more you leave Mary to act in your Communion, the more Jesus will be glorified.”
This book shows you how to prepare for Holy Communion in union with Mary. That means you’ll also know how never to receive Holy Communion. St. Louis writes: |
“As a false coiner does not ordinarily counterfeit anything but gold and silver, or very rarely the other metals, because they are not worth the trouble, so the evil spirit does not for the most part counterfeit the other devotions, but only those to Jesus and Mary, the devotion to Holy Communion, and to our Blessed Lady, because they are, among other devotions, what gold and silver are amongst metals” (True Devotion, #90).
Then he tells you how to protect yourself from being deceived:
“Let us remember, I repeat it for the second time, that Mary is the great and exclusive mold of God, proper to make living images of God, at small cost and in a little time; and that a soul which has found that mold, and has lost itself in it, is presently changed into Jesus Christ, whom that mold represents to the life.”
Fr. Texier shows you how to lose yourself in the Mary, the mold of God, so she can make you live in union with her Son. As St. Louis says:
“Do not think, dear soul, that Mary, the most fruitful of all pure creatures, who has brought forth even a God, remains idle in a faithful soul. She will cause Jesus Christ to live in that soul, and the soul to live in constant union with Jesus Christ.” Click here now to learn more.
Then he tells you how to protect yourself from being deceived:
“Let us remember, I repeat it for the second time, that Mary is the great and exclusive mold of God, proper to make living images of God, at small cost and in a little time; and that a soul which has found that mold, and has lost itself in it, is presently changed into Jesus Christ, whom that mold represents to the life.”
Fr. Texier shows you how to lose yourself in the Mary, the mold of God, so she can make you live in union with her Son. As St. Louis says:
“Do not think, dear soul, that Mary, the most fruitful of all pure creatures, who has brought forth even a God, remains idle in a faithful soul. She will cause Jesus Christ to live in that soul, and the soul to live in constant union with Jesus Christ.” Click here now to learn more.
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“The Virgin Mary and the Apostles of the Last Times” - “Then we who are alive, who are left, shall be taken up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. Thus we shall always be with the Lord” (1 Th. 4:17).
The meeting St. Paul mentions here is to be the greatest meeting in all of human history. |
The purpose of all that has been done in this world up to the present time has been to prepare for that great meeting in the air, when Our Lord comes to get His elect. This is the meeting for which every event in the Bible has been preparing the way.
Everything Jesus did was to prepare for this meeting. He not only foretold His going away, but charged His followers to be prepared for His return: “Watch therefore! For you do not know which hour your Lord will come. So too, you must also be prepared, for at an hour you do not know, the Son of man will come” (Mt. 24:42-44).
His command to be prepared for the end times holds as much force as His command to keep holy the Sabbath. And yet, most people won’t be prepared. They never give it a second thought. Even though Jesus said this would be the most terrifying time on earth.
“For those times will have tribulation such as has not been since the beginning of God’s creation until now, nor ever will be. If the Lord had not shortened those days, no one would be saved; but for the sake of the elect whom He chose, He did shorten the days” (Mk. 13:19-20).
This book is ideal for anyone who takes Jesus seriously, because Montfort Father Antonin Lhoumeau thoroughly explains St. Louis de Montfort’s thought on Mary’s role in the end times, and how you can be prepared.
Here’s a few things he says about St. Louis de Montfort’s perspective:
“This fullness of perspective, which simultaneously embraces the past and the future, which connects the last ages of the world to the first and shows us in all its extent the plan of divine Wisdom for Mary, is assuredly of an extraordinary originality and magnificence; and this is why among so many other prophetic views those of St. Louis-Marie de Montfort stand out” (p. 18).
“As the battle becomes widespread and intensified, the Marian devotion of St. Louis-Marie de Montfort, already so well adapted to the needs of his time, spreads in a surprising way and proves to be a weapon of choice in the hands of the children of the Virgin” (p.22).
“Such is the characteristic originality of de Montfort’s insights about the end times: they refer everything to Mary as to their main purpose. We shall see it more and more clearly by meditating on what he says about the apostles whom the Virgin is to form for this time so troubled for the Church militant. The portrait which Montfort drew of it and the description of their apostolate fills some pages that we would look for in vain elsewhere” (p. 25).
And here’s what the Montfort Fathers say about Fr. Lhoumeau:
“Abbé Antonin Lhoumeau was a man gifted with great talents. Fr. Lhoumeau made an enormous contribution to the spread of Marian spirituality. He wrote books which were very well received, and greatly encouraged the creation of reviews in the various countries where the Montfort Missionaries were present. He himself, while an Assistant, had launched in France the review “Le Règne de Jésus par Marie” (The Reign of Jesus through Mary).”
Jesus wants you to be prepared for the end times. The devil does not. Which of the two do you think has your best interests at heart? You know what to do. Click here now to learn more.
Everything Jesus did was to prepare for this meeting. He not only foretold His going away, but charged His followers to be prepared for His return: “Watch therefore! For you do not know which hour your Lord will come. So too, you must also be prepared, for at an hour you do not know, the Son of man will come” (Mt. 24:42-44).
His command to be prepared for the end times holds as much force as His command to keep holy the Sabbath. And yet, most people won’t be prepared. They never give it a second thought. Even though Jesus said this would be the most terrifying time on earth.
“For those times will have tribulation such as has not been since the beginning of God’s creation until now, nor ever will be. If the Lord had not shortened those days, no one would be saved; but for the sake of the elect whom He chose, He did shorten the days” (Mk. 13:19-20).
This book is ideal for anyone who takes Jesus seriously, because Montfort Father Antonin Lhoumeau thoroughly explains St. Louis de Montfort’s thought on Mary’s role in the end times, and how you can be prepared.
Here’s a few things he says about St. Louis de Montfort’s perspective:
“This fullness of perspective, which simultaneously embraces the past and the future, which connects the last ages of the world to the first and shows us in all its extent the plan of divine Wisdom for Mary, is assuredly of an extraordinary originality and magnificence; and this is why among so many other prophetic views those of St. Louis-Marie de Montfort stand out” (p. 18).
“As the battle becomes widespread and intensified, the Marian devotion of St. Louis-Marie de Montfort, already so well adapted to the needs of his time, spreads in a surprising way and proves to be a weapon of choice in the hands of the children of the Virgin” (p.22).
“Such is the characteristic originality of de Montfort’s insights about the end times: they refer everything to Mary as to their main purpose. We shall see it more and more clearly by meditating on what he says about the apostles whom the Virgin is to form for this time so troubled for the Church militant. The portrait which Montfort drew of it and the description of their apostolate fills some pages that we would look for in vain elsewhere” (p. 25).
And here’s what the Montfort Fathers say about Fr. Lhoumeau:
“Abbé Antonin Lhoumeau was a man gifted with great talents. Fr. Lhoumeau made an enormous contribution to the spread of Marian spirituality. He wrote books which were very well received, and greatly encouraged the creation of reviews in the various countries where the Montfort Missionaries were present. He himself, while an Assistant, had launched in France the review “Le Règne de Jésus par Marie” (The Reign of Jesus through Mary).”
Jesus wants you to be prepared for the end times. The devil does not. Which of the two do you think has your best interests at heart? You know what to do. Click here now to learn more.
![]() Click here.
“Consecration to the Blessed Virgin according to St. Louis de Montfort” - St. Louis de Montfort gives you two reasons to consecrate yourself to the Blessed Virgin right now:
1. “Having, then, before our eyes an example so plain and so well-known to the whole world, are we so senseless as to imagine that we can find a more perfect or a shorter means of glorifying God than that of submitting ourselves to Mary, after the example of her Son?” |
2. “After so many and such pressing examples of the Most Holy Trinity, can we, without an extreme blindness, dispense ourselves from Mary, and not consecrate ourselves to her, and depend on her to go to God?”
He added:
“It is a path trodden by Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Wisdom, our sole Head. One of His members in passing by the same road cannot deceive himself. It is an easy road, because of the fullness of the grace and unction of the Holy Ghost, which fills it to overflowing. No one wearies there; no one walking there ever has to retrace his steps.
“It is a short road, which leads us to Jesus in a little time. It is a perfect road, where there is no mud, no dust, nor the least spot of sin. Lastly, it is a secure road, which conducts us to Jesus Christ and life eternal in a straight and secure manner, without turning to the right hand or to the left.
“Let us, then, set forth upon that road, and walk there day and night, until we come to the fullness of the age of Jesus Christ.”
This is actually two books in one. The second is “Why Consecrate Myself to the Immaculate of Mary?”
Our Lady said at Fatima: “Jesus wishes to establish devotion to my Immaculate Heart in the world. I promise salvation to those who embrace it; and these souls will be beloved of God like flowers arranged by me to adorn His throne.”
In this second book, you’ll discover some amazing resources about devotion to Mary’s Immaculate Heart you’ve never heard of before.
Finally, St. Louis said:
“This devotion, faithfully practiced, produces many happy effects in the soul. The most important of them all is that it establishes, even here below, Mary’s life in the soul, so that it is no longer the soul that lives, but Mary living in it; for Mary’s life becomes its life. And when, by an unspeakable yet real grace, the Blessed Virgin is Queen in a soul, what wonders does she not work there!” Click here now to learn more.
He added:
“It is a path trodden by Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Wisdom, our sole Head. One of His members in passing by the same road cannot deceive himself. It is an easy road, because of the fullness of the grace and unction of the Holy Ghost, which fills it to overflowing. No one wearies there; no one walking there ever has to retrace his steps.
“It is a short road, which leads us to Jesus in a little time. It is a perfect road, where there is no mud, no dust, nor the least spot of sin. Lastly, it is a secure road, which conducts us to Jesus Christ and life eternal in a straight and secure manner, without turning to the right hand or to the left.
“Let us, then, set forth upon that road, and walk there day and night, until we come to the fullness of the age of Jesus Christ.”
This is actually two books in one. The second is “Why Consecrate Myself to the Immaculate of Mary?”
Our Lady said at Fatima: “Jesus wishes to establish devotion to my Immaculate Heart in the world. I promise salvation to those who embrace it; and these souls will be beloved of God like flowers arranged by me to adorn His throne.”
In this second book, you’ll discover some amazing resources about devotion to Mary’s Immaculate Heart you’ve never heard of before.
Finally, St. Louis said:
“This devotion, faithfully practiced, produces many happy effects in the soul. The most important of them all is that it establishes, even here below, Mary’s life in the soul, so that it is no longer the soul that lives, but Mary living in it; for Mary’s life becomes its life. And when, by an unspeakable yet real grace, the Blessed Virgin is Queen in a soul, what wonders does she not work there!” Click here now to learn more.
“The Holy Mass in Union with Our Lady” - This short book is only available on Amazon Kindle. (The image was too large to include here.)
Montfort Father Huppers says this book is for two types of people:
One: “They are intended for the “children and slaves of love” of the Most Blessed Virgin, who, according to the pressing recommendation of the divine Heart of Jesus to His favorite confidante, Margaret-Mary, feel an imperative need to unite themselves with their “dear Everything with Jesus” in their holiest actions and above all in the Sacrifice of our altars.”
Two: “We shall zealously try to apply St. Louis-Marie de Montfort’s Marian method to this central action of predominant importance. We want to be like the beloved disciple, led to Calvary by the maternal hand of Mary.”
If that sounds like you, click here now to learn more.
Montfort Father Huppers says this book is for two types of people:
One: “They are intended for the “children and slaves of love” of the Most Blessed Virgin, who, according to the pressing recommendation of the divine Heart of Jesus to His favorite confidante, Margaret-Mary, feel an imperative need to unite themselves with their “dear Everything with Jesus” in their holiest actions and above all in the Sacrifice of our altars.”
Two: “We shall zealously try to apply St. Louis-Marie de Montfort’s Marian method to this central action of predominant importance. We want to be like the beloved disciple, led to Calvary by the maternal hand of Mary.”
If that sounds like you, click here now to learn more.
4 Other Treasures You’ll Enjoy
Here are four other excellent Marian books not specifically about the Montfortian Marian spiritually, but written in the same spirit.
![]() Click here.
“The Marian Writings of St. Robert Bellarmine” – This is a collection of St. Robert’s Marian writings taken from the 16 volumes of his Opera Omnia (Collected Works). It will take your Marian apologetics to a whole new level.
It also includes previously untranslated biographical information showing how he lived his Marian devotion. This information isn’t in any biographies about him, not even in Fr. James Broderick’s massive, definitive 2-volume biography of him. |
When Pope Clement VIII made St. Robert Bellarmine a cardinal, he said: “The Church of God has not his equal in learning.” If you’re ready to become a first-rate Marian apologist and boost your Marian devotion, learning from the most learned man in the Church is a good place to start. Click here now to learn more.
Fr. Emil Neubert
![]() Fr. Emil Neubert
Fr. Emil Neubert was a Marianist priest, whose writings so impressed St. Maximilian Kolbe and Ven. Frank Duff (Founder of the Legion of Mary) that – independently of one another – they reached out and struck up friendships him.
They enthusiastically promoted his books, and St. Maximilian even translated one of them. He said of Fr. Neubert: “He has the exact same spirit we have.” Fr. Neubert’s were widely popular in their original French. And when someone’s written best-seller after best-seller, it’s no accident. These are proven books you can use, too. That’s why St. Maximilian and Frank Duff recommended them. Keep in mind that St. Maximilian said he wanted to “win the world for the Immaculata,” and “to conquer the whole world for Christ through Mary Immaculate.” |
And the primary goal of the Mission of the Immaculate which he founded is “To Lead Every Individual With Mary to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.”
And one of the best ways St. Maximilian used to achieve his goals was to promote Fr. Neubert’s books.
A respected priest who knew Father Neubert and said he was “the only man I ever knew who could speak incessantly of the Blessed Virgin and always had something informative and interesting to say.”
Fr. Neubert wrote Marian books for every state of life. Here are 3 of them…
And one of the best ways St. Maximilian used to achieve his goals was to promote Fr. Neubert’s books.
A respected priest who knew Father Neubert and said he was “the only man I ever knew who could speak incessantly of the Blessed Virgin and always had something informative and interesting to say.”
Fr. Neubert wrote Marian books for every state of life. Here are 3 of them…
![]() Click here.
【特典あり】ケーツー スノーボード 板 スノーボード 19 …:SNOWBOARD 2021。【特典あり】ケーツー スノーボード 板 19-20 K2 LIME LITE 149 ライムライト 日本正規品 ファン感謝祭編本番そして沼 【特典あり】ケーツー スノーボード 板 スノーボード 19-20 K2 LIME LITE 板 149 149 ライムライト 日本正規品:SportsExpress – In this book, Fr. Neubert teaches your child authentic Marian devotion. Here’s his personal note to your child:
“My little friend, “You love your Mother in Heaven very much. And you know that the more you love her, the more you please Jesus and the more she will give you graces. |
“In order to love her more, it is necessary to know her better.
“This little book can help you there. It will tell you the life of your Mother in Heaven and the great things that God has done for her. It will also tell you what she expects of you.
“Read it slowly! Reflect on what it teaches you! Above all, pray to Jesus to give you a little of His love for His Mother! Here’s a bit of advice: each time that you reach the end of a chapter, say:
“O Jesus, give me the grace to love Your Mother as You Yourself love her!”
“If you know her well and if you love her with your whole heart, a day will come when she will call you near her and Jesus. You will see them and love them, Him and her, and you will be happy with them throughout all eternity.”
It’s easy for your child to understand what Fr. Neubert writes about Mary. He “puts the cookies on the lower shelf” for you and your child. Click here now to learn more.
“This little book can help you there. It will tell you the life of your Mother in Heaven and the great things that God has done for her. It will also tell you what she expects of you.
“Read it slowly! Reflect on what it teaches you! Above all, pray to Jesus to give you a little of His love for His Mother! Here’s a bit of advice: each time that you reach the end of a chapter, say:
“O Jesus, give me the grace to love Your Mother as You Yourself love her!”
“If you know her well and if you love her with your whole heart, a day will come when she will call you near her and Jesus. You will see them and love them, Him and her, and you will be happy with them throughout all eternity.”
It’s easy for your child to understand what Fr. Neubert writes about Mary. He “puts the cookies on the lower shelf” for you and your child. Click here now to learn more.
![]() Click here.
“Mary and the Christian Family” – The Church calls Mary the new Ark of the Covenant. In the Old Testament, having the Ark was always a sign of God’s presence and protection. In the same way, Mary’s presence in your family is an unmistakable sign of God’s presence and protection. St. Joseph, St. Elizabeth, the couple at Cana, and St. John all welcomed Mary into their homes. It turned out well for all of them.
This complete plan for bringing Mary into your family is unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. If you’re one of those people who believes, “All marriages are hard,” then simply ignore this book. On the other hand, when you welcome Mary into your family the way Fr. Neubert shows you how, God will be drawn to your family like steel to a magnet. But without Mary, your family will be one of those families that never hurt the devil’s business. Click here now to learn more.
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“Mary and the Christian Educator” – Are your students “hell on wheels”? Fr. Neubert shows you how the Blessed Virgin can help you in your classroom. For example, he shows you: (1) Why you should not lose hope, and how to avoid discouragement over difficult students; (2) how to create a Marian atmosphere in your class; and, (3) and, most importantly, how to love your students as Mary loves them. No matter how much experience you have, Fr. Neubert gives you information more valuable than any teacher conferences you’ve ever attended.
A respected priest once said that Fr. Neubert was “the only man I ever knew who could speak incessantly of the Blessed Virgin and always had something informative and interesting to say.” If you want the Blessed Virgin to help you have students who are easier and more reasonable to deal with – rather than living terrors, click here now to learn more.
But Wait, There’s More!
In addition to the benefits of this devotion you already read about, St. Louis mentions a few others. Perhaps the most surprising is that he says living this devotion enables you to do something greater than creating heaven and earth.
“Is not this to love our neighbor perfectly? Is not this to be the true disciple of Jesus Christ, Who is always to be recognized by His charity? Is not this the way to convert sinners, without any fear of vanity; and to deliver souls from Purgatory, without scarcely doing anything but what we are obliged to do by our state of life” (#171).
“To understand the excellence of this motive, we must understand also what a good it is to convert a sinner, or to deliver a soul from Purgatory. It is an infinite good, which is greater than to create heaven and earth, because we give to a soul the possession of God” (#172).
“It would be no wonder if, at the hour of death, it should be found that a person faithful to this practice shall, by the means of it, have delivered many souls from Purgatory, and converted many sinners, though he shall have done nothing more than the ordinary actions of his state of life. What joy at his judgment! What glory in his eternity!” (#172)
“Is not this to love our neighbor perfectly? Is not this to be the true disciple of Jesus Christ, Who is always to be recognized by His charity? Is not this the way to convert sinners, without any fear of vanity; and to deliver souls from Purgatory, without scarcely doing anything but what we are obliged to do by our state of life” (#171).
“To understand the excellence of this motive, we must understand also what a good it is to convert a sinner, or to deliver a soul from Purgatory. It is an infinite good, which is greater than to create heaven and earth, because we give to a soul the possession of God” (#172).
“It would be no wonder if, at the hour of death, it should be found that a person faithful to this practice shall, by the means of it, have delivered many souls from Purgatory, and converted many sinners, though he shall have done nothing more than the ordinary actions of his state of life. What joy at his judgment! What glory in his eternity!” (#172)
What Will Be So Different For You With
The “True Devotion to Mary Series”?
The “True Devotion to Mary Series”?
Perhaps the best way to describe it is that your perception of the Blessed Virgin will change dramatically.
Pay close attention to what St. Louis says…
“After that, my sweet Master, is it not an astonishingly pitiable thing to see the ignorance and the darkness of all men here below in regard to Thy holy Mother?
“I speak not so much of idolaters and pagans, who knowing Thee not, care not to know Thee; I speak not even of heretics and schismatics, who care not to be devout to Thy holy Mother, being separated as they are from Thee and Thy holy Church.
“But I speak of Catholic Christians, and even of doctors amongst Catholics, who make profession of teaching truths to others, and yet know not Thee nor Thy holy Mother, except in a speculative dry, barren, and indifferent manner” (#64).
Pay close attention to what St. Louis says…
“After that, my sweet Master, is it not an astonishingly pitiable thing to see the ignorance and the darkness of all men here below in regard to Thy holy Mother?
“I speak not so much of idolaters and pagans, who knowing Thee not, care not to know Thee; I speak not even of heretics and schismatics, who care not to be devout to Thy holy Mother, being separated as they are from Thee and Thy holy Church.
“But I speak of Catholic Christians, and even of doctors amongst Catholics, who make profession of teaching truths to others, and yet know not Thee nor Thy holy Mother, except in a speculative dry, barren, and indifferent manner” (#64).
Using this Series is like when you buy a new car, and suddenly start to notice all the other cars on the road like yours. They were there all along, but you didn’t notice them as you do now. Your perception changed. Now everything changes for you. Nothing will be the same for you from that point on.
St. Louis lists even more graces you receive as you apply this “secret” Marian devotion to your life. I’ll only mention a few of them here.
“This Mother of fair love will take away from your heart all scruple and all disorder of servile fear. She will introduce into it pure love, of which she has the treasure; so that you shall no longer be guided by fear, as hitherto, in your dealings with the God of charity, but by pure love” (#215).
“Our Blessed Lady will fill you with a great confidence in God and in herself” (#216).
“But let us place all in Mary’s hands by this devotion. When we have given ourselves to Mary to the very utmost of our power, by despoiling ourselves completely in her honor, she will far outdo us in generosity and will repay us a hundredfold” (Secret, #38).
“Experience will teach you much more about this devotion than I can tell you; and if you remain faithful to the little I have taught you, Кафедра Инфокоммуникаций:Для кого предназначен курс: Курс предназначен для ИТР и руководителей подразделений предприятий связи. Краткое содержание курса:” (Secret, #53).
He also says not to lose heart if you don’t feel anything at first.
“We may not, perhaps, feel any sensible sweetness in this act of union, but it is not on that account the less real” (True Devotion, #59).
“She is the worker of great wonders, particularly in our soul, but she works them in secret, in a way unknown to the soul itself, for were it to know, it might destroy the beauty of her works” (Secret, #55).
You will be different once you set out on this path, which St. Louis calls “a path of roses and honey compared with the other paths” (True Devotion, #152).
St. Louis lists even more graces you receive as you apply this “secret” Marian devotion to your life. I’ll only mention a few of them here.
“This Mother of fair love will take away from your heart all scruple and all disorder of servile fear. She will introduce into it pure love, of which she has the treasure; so that you shall no longer be guided by fear, as hitherto, in your dealings with the God of charity, but by pure love” (#215).
“Our Blessed Lady will fill you with a great confidence in God and in herself” (#216).
“But let us place all in Mary’s hands by this devotion. When we have given ourselves to Mary to the very utmost of our power, by despoiling ourselves completely in her honor, she will far outdo us in generosity and will repay us a hundredfold” (Secret, #38).
“Experience will teach you much more about this devotion than I can tell you; and if you remain faithful to the little I have taught you, Кафедра Инфокоммуникаций:Для кого предназначен курс: Курс предназначен для ИТР и руководителей подразделений предприятий связи. Краткое содержание курса:” (Secret, #53).
He also says not to lose heart if you don’t feel anything at first.
“We may not, perhaps, feel any sensible sweetness in this act of union, but it is not on that account the less real” (True Devotion, #59).
“She is the worker of great wonders, particularly in our soul, but she works them in secret, in a way unknown to the soul itself, for were it to know, it might destroy the beauty of her works” (Secret, #55).
You will be different once you set out on this path, which St. Louis calls “a path of roses and honey compared with the other paths” (True Devotion, #152).
No other series is as useful as the “True Devotion to Mary Series” in helping you succeed where success counts most - - getting to heaven. Because if you don’t get there, nothing else matters.
The experts who have authored the books in the “True Devotion to Mary Series” are among the world’s leading authorities in St. Louis de Montfort’s Marian spirituality.
These are experts who explain to you exactly how you can easily get the most from your consecration to Mary.
This Series is not a rehashing of information you can acquire elsewhere.
And because this Series offers you ALL OF THIS VALUABLE INFORMATION in convenient, handy volumes, it’ll be right there on your shelf for you to go back to time after time. There for you to check what each expert says.
You’ll be stunned by the breadth and quality of the information, and by how simple they make it for you to accelerate your progress in your Marian consecration.
The experts who have authored the books in the “True Devotion to Mary Series” are among the world’s leading authorities in St. Louis de Montfort’s Marian spirituality.
These are experts who explain to you exactly how you can easily get the most from your consecration to Mary.
This Series is not a rehashing of information you can acquire elsewhere.
And because this Series offers you ALL OF THIS VALUABLE INFORMATION in convenient, handy volumes, it’ll be right there on your shelf for you to go back to time after time. There for you to check what each expert says.
You’ll be stunned by the breadth and quality of the information, and by how simple they make it for you to accelerate your progress in your Marian consecration.
Why You Should Take Action Today
#1 – Time does not discriminate.
Time is the only thing God distributes evenly. He gives every person the exact same amount of hours in the day…regardless of whether they are young or old; rich or poor; man or woman; introvert or extrovert; white collar or blue collar; boss, employee, or unemployed; educated, uneducated.
#2 – Time is scarce.
You only get a limited amount of time in your life, and every day…the amount of time you have left on this earth is continuously shrinking. Whether you use it wisely or not, time marches on.
#3 – Time is running out for you to do great things for God and Our Lady.
You might think that you have all the time in the world to do great things for God. You don’t.
God tells you about life expectancy: “Our life span is seventy years, or eighty for those who are strong” (Ps. 90:10).
That means middle age is between 35 and 40 years old. It’s nowhere near 50.
So, do you have more yesterdays, or more tomorrows? Regardless of which side of 40 you’re on, I hope that fact alone strikes a nerve and creates a strong urge towards your taking action on living this secret devotion of which Jesus Himself is the example.
When you consider how fast the years go by, life seems to be more of a sprint than a marathon. Therefore, there’s no time to dilly-dally.
You see, most people are naive about the benefits of speed and the bright side of being impatient. Everyone is short of time. We all dislike delays, long lines, and waiting on hold. We love quickly finding what we want, and on with life.
What you’re doing with the “True Devotion to Mary Series” is buying time. That’s why St. Louis says…
“As there are secrets of nature to do in a short time at little cost and with ease, natural operations, so also in like manner there are secrets in the order of grace to do in a short time with sweetness and ease, supernatural operations” (#82).
Time is the only thing God distributes evenly. He gives every person the exact same amount of hours in the day…regardless of whether they are young or old; rich or poor; man or woman; introvert or extrovert; white collar or blue collar; boss, employee, or unemployed; educated, uneducated.
#2 – Time is scarce.
You only get a limited amount of time in your life, and every day…the amount of time you have left on this earth is continuously shrinking. Whether you use it wisely or not, time marches on.
#3 – Time is running out for you to do great things for God and Our Lady.
You might think that you have all the time in the world to do great things for God. You don’t.
God tells you about life expectancy: “Our life span is seventy years, or eighty for those who are strong” (Ps. 90:10).
That means middle age is between 35 and 40 years old. It’s nowhere near 50.
So, do you have more yesterdays, or more tomorrows? Regardless of which side of 40 you’re on, I hope that fact alone strikes a nerve and creates a strong urge towards your taking action on living this secret devotion of which Jesus Himself is the example.
When you consider how fast the years go by, life seems to be more of a sprint than a marathon. Therefore, there’s no time to dilly-dally.
You see, most people are naive about the benefits of speed and the bright side of being impatient. Everyone is short of time. We all dislike delays, long lines, and waiting on hold. We love quickly finding what we want, and on with life.
What you’re doing with the “True Devotion to Mary Series” is buying time. That’s why St. Louis says…
“As there are secrets of nature to do in a short time at little cost and with ease, natural operations, so also in like manner there are secrets in the order of grace to do in a short time with sweetness and ease, supernatural operations” (#82).
“By this practice, faithfully observed, you will give Jesus more glory in a month than by any other practice, however difficult, in many years” (#222).
“Let us remember, I repeat it for the second time, that Mary is the great and exclusive mold of God, proper to make living images of God, at small cost and in a little time” (#260).
Why waste years of your life grinding it out in the spiritual life by trial and error trying to learn something you may never figure out on your own? Especially when St. Louis warns…
“It is true that we can attain to divine union by other roads; but it is by many more crosses and strange deaths, and with many more difficulties, which we shall find it hard to overcome” (#152).
Isn’t it smarter and easier to make use of the information you need and which you find in the “True Devotion to Mary Series”?
You’re buying the ability to enjoy greater success in one month than most people do over the course of years.
You’re buying the ability to skip over years of failure, frustration, and small, incremental growth…and in addition, you’re buying the ability to ACCELERATE all of the amazing things Our Lady wants to do for you.
No more confusion. No more frustration. No more wasted time trying to figure it out on your own.
The “True Devotion to Mary Series” is a time-machine to help you accelerate your mastery of this “secret of grace.”
Learning how to save yourself years of time, pain and needless suffering makes this investment in your future a slam dunk, no-brainer of a decision.
That being said, it must be pointed out that…
“Let us remember, I repeat it for the second time, that Mary is the great and exclusive mold of God, proper to make living images of God, at small cost and in a little time” (#260).
Why waste years of your life grinding it out in the spiritual life by trial and error trying to learn something you may never figure out on your own? Especially when St. Louis warns…
“It is true that we can attain to divine union by other roads; but it is by many more crosses and strange deaths, and with many more difficulties, which we shall find it hard to overcome” (#152).
Isn’t it smarter and easier to make use of the information you need and which you find in the “True Devotion to Mary Series”?
You’re buying the ability to enjoy greater success in one month than most people do over the course of years.
You’re buying the ability to skip over years of failure, frustration, and small, incremental growth…and in addition, you’re buying the ability to ACCELERATE all of the amazing things Our Lady wants to do for you.
No more confusion. No more frustration. No more wasted time trying to figure it out on your own.
The “True Devotion to Mary Series” is a time-machine to help you accelerate your mastery of this “secret of grace.”
Learning how to save yourself years of time, pain and needless suffering makes this investment in your future a slam dunk, no-brainer of a decision.
That being said, it must be pointed out that…
These Books Are NOT For Everybody.
Here’s Who They CAN Help:
Here’s Who They CAN Help:
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Jesus said: “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road broad that leads to destruction, and those who enter through it are many. How narrow the gate and constricted the road that leads to life. And few there are that find it!” (Mt. 7:13-14)
Later He would say: “For many are called, but few are chosen” (Mt. 22:14).
You’ll remember how when He called a certain man, the man said, “Lord, let me first go and bury my father” (Mt. 8:21). And Jesus replied to him, “Follow Me, and let the dead bury their dead” (Mt. 8:22).
In other words, you can’t let anything get in your way when it comes to following Jesus. You have to put aside your excuses, ignore distractions, and step out in your faith. Jesus accepts no excuses, even when it comes to familial duties.
You see, Jesus isn’t interested in the number of followers He has. He already pointed out that “few are chosen.” He’s interested in the quality of the commitment of His followers.
And so, the “True Devotion to Mary Series” can only help you if you won’t let anything stop you from doing the will of God in your life.
As Jesus said, “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of My Father in heaven” (Mt. 7:21).
And so, St. Louis says: “Having, then, before our eyes an example so plain and so well-known to the whole world, are we so senseless as to imagine that we can find a more perfect or a shorter means of glorifying God than that of submitting ourselves to Mary, after the example of her Son?” (#140)
Because you’ve read this far, there’s a better chance than not, that you’re serious about being a true follower of Jesus. And that means you’re probably wondering…
Later He would say: “For many are called, but few are chosen” (Mt. 22:14).
You’ll remember how when He called a certain man, the man said, “Lord, let me first go and bury my father” (Mt. 8:21). And Jesus replied to him, “Follow Me, and let the dead bury their dead” (Mt. 8:22).
In other words, you can’t let anything get in your way when it comes to following Jesus. You have to put aside your excuses, ignore distractions, and step out in your faith. Jesus accepts no excuses, even when it comes to familial duties.
You see, Jesus isn’t interested in the number of followers He has. He already pointed out that “few are chosen.” He’s interested in the quality of the commitment of His followers.
And so, the “True Devotion to Mary Series” can only help you if you won’t let anything stop you from doing the will of God in your life.
As Jesus said, “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of My Father in heaven” (Mt. 7:21).
And so, St. Louis says: “Having, then, before our eyes an example so plain and so well-known to the whole world, are we so senseless as to imagine that we can find a more perfect or a shorter means of glorifying God than that of submitting ourselves to Mary, after the example of her Son?” (#140)
Because you’ve read this far, there’s a better chance than not, that you’re serious about being a true follower of Jesus. And that means you’re probably wondering…
How Much Are They?
Actually, compared with what you get, these books are a lot less than you’d expect.
But here’s something more important. What you really need to consider is what you’re getting for your money — because it’s more than just a few books. As you saw above, these books give you the opportunity to do something St. Louis de Montfort says is greater than to create heaven and earth.
Besides, if for some reason you don’t like the book you’ve chosen, you can return it for a refund within 30 days. So, money’s definitely not the issue.
By knowing a sure way to do something St. Louis says is greater than to create heaven and earth, you get back your investment more than thousands of times. Because putting souls in the possession of an infinite good is of infinite value.
Let’s face it: Plain, “what-to-do” advice alone just won’t get the job done. (If it did, you wouldn’t be reading this, right?) You need specific, step-by-step details that leave no questions in your mind, so you know precisely what to do immediately to infuse your Marian devotion with the interior spirit, the “missing ingredient” which most people don’t know.
You get all of these invaluable resources and components of success in your Marian devotion for paltry prices ranging from $3.95 to $29.95. I really do mean “paltry” compared to the value you can draw from any of them.
Think of what your doctor charges you for a short appointment. Or what your dentist charges you for an X-ray. Or what you pay for cable, which has so many channels it’s impossible for you to watch them all. Or what your monthly cellphone bill is. And none of these will give you the power to do something greater than to create heaven and earth.
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But here’s something more important. What you really need to consider is what you’re getting for your money — because it’s more than just a few books. As you saw above, these books give you the opportunity to do something St. Louis de Montfort says is greater than to create heaven and earth.
Besides, if for some reason you don’t like the book you’ve chosen, you can return it for a refund within 30 days. So, money’s definitely not the issue.
By knowing a sure way to do something St. Louis says is greater than to create heaven and earth, you get back your investment more than thousands of times. Because putting souls in the possession of an infinite good is of infinite value.
Let’s face it: Plain, “what-to-do” advice alone just won’t get the job done. (If it did, you wouldn’t be reading this, right?) You need specific, step-by-step details that leave no questions in your mind, so you know precisely what to do immediately to infuse your Marian devotion with the interior spirit, the “missing ingredient” which most people don’t know.
You get all of these invaluable resources and components of success in your Marian devotion for paltry prices ranging from $3.95 to $29.95. I really do mean “paltry” compared to the value you can draw from any of them.
Think of what your doctor charges you for a short appointment. Or what your dentist charges you for an X-ray. Or what you pay for cable, which has so many channels it’s impossible for you to watch them all. Or what your monthly cellphone bill is. And none of these will give you the power to do something greater than to create heaven and earth.
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Think about it: what’s your worst-case scenario? If you ask for a refund within 30 days and get your money back, you’ll still have gotten information about this Marian devotion which you can’t get elsewhere.
Therefore, you have no risk whatsoever. If, for some reason, you’re dissatisfied, you’re completely protected. I think that’s fair. Don’t you? Why don’t you give one of (or some of) these books a try today? The only way you can lose is by not trying any of them. So, scroll up now, or check out the 2021ssr page, and see which one(s) you like.
Also, ordering here is better than going to a bookstore, because you don’t get a 30-day money-back guarantee in a bookstore like you do here. So, if any book doesn’t live up to your expectations, you’re 100% protected.
Think about it: what’s your worst-case scenario? If you ask for a refund within 30 days and get your money back, you’ll still have gotten information about this Marian devotion which you can’t get elsewhere.
Therefore, you have no risk whatsoever. If, for some reason, you’re dissatisfied, you’re completely protected. I think that’s fair. Don’t you? Why don’t you give one of (or some of) these books a try today? The only way you can lose is by not trying any of them. So, scroll up now, or check out the 2021ssr page, and see which one(s) you like.

Casimir Valla
“The King of Marian devotion”
P.S. Every one of God’s invitations is urgent. Nowhere in the Bible can you find a single offer of salvation upon any other terms than that it be taken at the present moment. The devil doesn’t want any stronger hold of a man than to get him to put off doing what he knows he ought to do. He knows that if he can get him to put it off once, he can get him to do it again… and again. That’s why it’s so important for you to take action today.
P.P.S. When the Apostles settled the question of their own destiny in time and eternity by deciding to follow Jesus, they also settled it for millions of others; because their decision meant not only their own salvation, but that of every other soul over whom they had influence.
And so, I urge you to accept this invitation today to follow Jesus by consecrating yourself to Mary and making use of the “True Devotion to Mary Series” to help you get the most out of your consecration. Just like Mary’s “Let it be done to me according to thy word,” only God knows what great results are depending on the decision you make today.
P.P.S. When the Apostles settled the question of their own destiny in time and eternity by deciding to follow Jesus, they also settled it for millions of others; because their decision meant not only their own salvation, but that of every other soul over whom they had influence.
And so, I urge you to accept this invitation today to follow Jesus by consecrating yourself to Mary and making use of the “True Devotion to Mary Series” to help you get the most out of your consecration. Just like Mary’s “Let it be done to me according to thy word,” only God knows what great results are depending on the decision you make today.
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